Corruption Perceptions Index—2022

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Anti-Corruption Pendulum in Ukraine:
a Step Forward after a Step Back

Algeria, Angola, Zambia, Mongolia, El Salvador, and the Philippines also have 33 points. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Gambia, Indonesia, Malawi, Nepal, Sierra Leone are one point ahead of us — they all have 34 points. Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Niger have one point less than Ukraine.

Ukraine received 33 points out of 100 in the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) for 2022. Our score has increased by one point, and now Ukraine ranks 116th out of 180 countries in the CPI.

Algeria, Angola, Zambia, Mongolia, El Salvador, and the Philippines also have 33 points. Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Gambia, Indonesia, Malawi, Nepal, Sierra Leone are one point ahead of us — they all have 34 points. Dominican Republic, Kenya, and Niger have one point less than Ukraine.

Among the neighbors, Ukraine still ranks higher only than russia — the terrorist country lost 1 point in 2022 and, with 28 points, now ranks 137th. In addition, the points of Hungary fell again — 42 points (-1, 77th ), and those of the russian satellite belarus as well. The latter has lost 2 points this year.

Among the friends of Ukraine, there are changes in indicators as well. Poland lost 1 point, but remained the leader of CPI among our neighbors — with 55 points, it ranks 45th. Slovakia managed to improve its indicators — 53 points (+1, 49th), Romania — 46 points (+1, 63rd) and Moldova, whose indicators increased the most — +3, and now it ranks 91st with 39 points.

Global leaders and outsiders of the Corruption Perceptions Index 2022 have hardly changed. Denmark tops the list with 90 points, followed by New Zealand and Finland — both countries scored 87 points. Outsiders also remained unchanged: Somalia with 12 points ranks 180th, and South Sudan and Syria, scoring 13 points, rank 178th.

What Do the Results of the Ukrainian CPI Mean in the Context of the War?

33 points scored by Ukraine in 2022 is the highest indicator of our country since the launch of the updated CPI methodology. Thus, over the past 10 years, the indicator of Ukraine has increased by 8 points.

Despite the russian invasion, our country has shown that its progress in the fight against corruption is a sustainable process that continues even in the most difficult period of the state's existence.

Russia's aggression has become a kind of exam for all Ukrainian state institutions, including the anti-corruption bodies created after the Revolution of Dignity. The work of anti-corruption bodies, despite some restrictions caused by wartime, still took place, and its results were noticeable. It was also in 2022 that the Ukrainian authorities finally fulfilled some promises regarding the anti-corruption sphere that they had previously made.

Among the undoubted positive results of the past year are the adoption of the State Anti-Corruption Strategy, the long-awaited appointment of the head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO), which became a driving force for intensifying investigations into high-profile corruption. Moreover, the High Anti-Corruption Court showed its effectiveness — in 2022, the court considered 49 cases, 37 of which resulted in sentences.

Results of the Ukrainian CPI (10 years)

However, the growth of Ukraine in recent years could have been much more noticeable, and the effect of the fight against corruption — more tangible.

Had the competition for the election of the SAPO head not been delayed, but had ended, as it should have, in 2021, when the name of the winner was already known, anti-corruption investigations would have intensified earlier. Had the parliament not delayed the adoption of the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2 years, Ukraine would have received a clear action plan in the fight against corruption much earlier.

Had the anti-corruption bodies had full operational and institutional capacity (the actual possibility of wiretapping for the NABU, access to proper forensic expertise, expanding the powers of the SAPO, providing for audits of all anti-corruption bodies), the anti-corruption system, which survived during the full-scale war, would work more effectively.

Ukraine's success in the Corruption Perceptions Index over the past 10 years has shown that positive changes are possible if there is political will to do so. During this time, Ukraine was marked by a truly noticeable increase in the CPI, the domestic anti-corruption system has shown its ability, and the world marks this success as well. However, against the backdrop of the global ranking, our results indicate that there is still a lot of work ahead.

In 2022, we saw a lot of anti-corruption investigations because corruption is an internal enemy, and the fight against it is always relevant.

Therefore, in recent months, the society has formed a request for much tougher measures to punish corrupt officials, and the public and journalists, for their part, are even more closely monitoring possible cases of corruption. And in order for the process of such monitoring to be more successful, despite wartime, Ukraine needs to open data as much as possible if it does not pose a threat to the security.

The next years will be decisive for our country in many respects: Ukraine will face not only the victory in the war with russia, but also a difficult path to full integration with the EU. And it is certainly impossible without effective anti-corruption reforms.

What Influenced This Year's Performance of Ukraine?

The growth of Ukraine by one point is a change within the margin of error, so, we should consider the results over several years. Our country shows positive dynamics, even despite the military aggression of russia.

This year, the results of Ukraine were calculated based on 8 studies (one less than last year). One of them (World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey 2021) showed a significant increase in Ukraine's indicator. Another one (The PRS Group International Country Risk Guide 2022) showed a slight decrease in indicators, while in the other 6 studies, the indicators did not change.

The World Economic Forum Executive Opinion Survey 2021, according to which Ukraine has increased its score by 9 points, was conducted in April-October 2021 and covered the opinions of 12,550 business leaders in 124 countries. This study considers the opinion of entrepreneurs about the prevalence of bribes in the country. However, according to the terms of the survey, such trends were observed even before the full-scale invasion of russia into Ukraine. Moreover, the indicators could be influenced by positive changes in public procurement, effective privatization of public property, etc.

At the same time, The PRS Group International Country Risk Guide 2022, according to which Ukraine lost 2 points, was conducted from September 2021 to August 2022 and considers the assessment of corruption in the political system during the war as well. In particular, this study pays special attention to existing or potential corruption in the form of excessive selective protection, nepotism, booking jobs, trade turnover, secret financing of parties, and suspiciously close ties between politics and business.

Since Ukraine has suspended the obligation of political parties to submit financial and other reports for NACP verification, in our opinion, this could have led to a decrease in the scores under this study.

If we consider other studies that affected Ukraine's performance in the CPI, then Freedom House Nations in Transit for 2021 positively mentions the restoration of proper criminal liability for false declarations in the summer of 2021. However, it is noted that in 2021, anti-corruption bodies experienced attempts to weaken their independence and institutional capacity, and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office did not have a head due to a delayed competition. The unreformed sector of justice, prosecutor's office, and law enforcement agencies is also mentioned as a threat to the stability of anti-corruption bodies. This also covers the lack of obligation of political parties to submit reports to the NACP. Therefore, according to this study, the score of Ukraine for the year has not changed.

Best Anti-Corruption Practices that Ukraine Can Share with the World

The sustainability of Ukraine’s anti-corruption progress is often based on the cooperation of civil society, business, and the state. This was most clearly manifested in the innovative solutions that not only helped our country eliminate opportunities to influence certain processes through corruption, but also became positive examples that have been adopted by other countries.

We have selected 5 anti-corruption innovations that have already proven their effectiveness to the whole world. Transparency International Ukraine was engaged in the development and launch of all these projects.


An electronic public procurement system, which started operating in 2016. The main motto of the platform is “Everyone sees everything.” The electronic system not only helps conduct procurement but also allows seeing what taxpayers’ money was spent on. Since its launch, Prozorro has announced well over 15 million tenders worth UAH 4.3 trillion. In 2020, Prozorro was recognized as the most transparent public procurement system in the world, the United States set it as an example in its strategy on countering corruption, and the World Bank recommended using it when conducting procurement for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Prozorro allows ensuring equal access of business to public procurement because all entrepreneurs can see tenders, all the details about them, preliminary procurement transactions of different procuring entities any time online. Another advantage: due to the availability of such information, citizens can also monitor procurement and identify potential violations. In this way, the transparency and openness of the Prozorro system reduce the risks of corruption in public procurement.

prozorro продажі

A system of online auctions for the sale and lease of property, which started operating in 2016. As of mid-January 2023, lease and privatization through the system brought more than UAH 69 bln to the Ukrainian budget.

In 2021, the Prozorro.Sale system won the Open Government Award-2021, and in 2022, Ukraine received the UN Public Service Awards for it. The World Bank also noted the positive impact of the system on the land market.


An electronic health care system, which ensures automation of accounting of medical services and management of medical information in the electronic form. The system was launched in 2017. eHealth includes a central database with registers and an information system of the NHSU and medical information systems, between which there is an automatic data exchange.

Thanks to eHealth, citizens were able to schedule an appointment with doctors online and get an electronic prescription for medicines. In addition, an electronic medical card was launched within the portal. Thus, citizens avoided corruption when receiving medical services.


A unified web portal for the use of public funds, which started operating in 2015. An official resource where information on public finances is published in accordance with the Law “On Openness of Public Funds Use.” You can view the transactions of money managers there — with amounts, purposes, recipients.

E-declaration system for officials

An online system that allows making, checking, and publishing property declarations of civil servants was launched in 2016. Electronic declaration is one of the most important achievements of the anti-corruption reform after the Revolution of Dignity. It has already contributed to the initiation of several high-profile cases and sentencing of MPs, ministers, and judges who tried to conceal information about their income. Declarations of officials became public, which also contributed to public anti-corruption investigations.

Unfortunately, with the beginning of the war, electronic declaration was made optional. Now, this poses a significant threat because without declarations, it will be almost impossible to hold officials liable for illicit enrichment and lies in declarations. Therefore, Transparency International Ukraine, together with other Ukrainian CSOs, calls for the restoration of mandatory e-declaration .

Recommendations of Transparency International Ukraine for 2022:
What Has Been Implemented?
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According to the results of last year's CPI, Transparency International Ukraine provided the authorities with 5 specific recommendations, the implementation of which could improve our performance in the study. None of these recommendations were fully implemented, four were partially implemented, and one was not implemented at all.
Complete the competitions and select professional, independent, and honest leaders of the anti-corruption ecosystem: the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the Asset Recovery and Management Agency, and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau

On July 28, the new Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin appointed Oleksandr Klymenko head of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office (SAPO). This appointment was blocked since December 2021 by the chair and individual members of the selection commission, since, in six months, the commission could not confirm its own scores by votes. On July 19, 2022, the SAPO selection commission did approve the overall rating and voted to submit this decision to the Prosecutor General. The president repeatedly promised the International Monetary Fund, US President Joe Biden, and other partners to elect the head, but these commitments were not fulfilled in time.

To prevent such situations in the future, we need to clearly enshrine in the law the participation of independent experts in competitions, the criteria for a full-fledged check of candidates for professional qualities and integrity, and the decision-making process of the commission. More attention should be paid to the selection of the commission members. In the case of the SAPO competition, the parliament elected 7 members of the commission only on the third attempt, allowing people without experience in anti-corruption activities.

Since the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office received an independent head, the NABU-SAPO served several senior officials with charges: among them are ex-head of the State Fiscal Service Roman Nasirov, oligarch Oleh Bakhmatiuk, MP Anna Kolisnyk, ex-head of the NBU Kyrylo Shevchenko, and in 2023 — ex-deputy Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development Vasyl Lozynskyi and Reni mayor Ihor Plekhov.

The competition for the position of the NABU Director began before the full-scale war, but after February 24, it was suspended and resumed in August 2022. At the time of the publication of CPI-2022, candidates had already passed the test for knowledge of legislation and general abilities, and on January 16, 2023, the commission announced the names of 22 participants, who had passed to the stage of practical tasks and interviews.

The biggest risk of this competition is its delay, but now, there is every reason to believe that the members of the selection commission understand the importance of promptly completing the competitive selection and complying with Ukraine’s obligations to the EU. Moreover, in 2022, the President signed a discriminatory law with new requirements for the NABU Director. This initiative of MPs, although a better substitute for the controversial «Klochko’s draft law», is more harmful, than useful.

The competition for the ARMA head was problematic from the beginning. The commission was formed on the fourth attempt. Subsequently, the commission members delayed the publication of the procedure for holding the competition and the rules of their work up to the deadline for submitting documents. Thus, only 12 lawyers submitted documents back then. Transparency International Ukraine analyzed all candidates and concluded that the majority of applicants did not meet the criteria of integrity and proper professionalism. On August 15, 2022, the commission for the selection of the ARMA Head concluded that none of the candidates received the necessary six votes.

Thus, the Cabinet of Ministers extended the competition to elect the head of the ARMA. The commission had to conduct a new selection in the prescribed manner — in 3.5 months, that is, until mid-January 2023, but did not fulfill such an obligation. From November 29 to December 13, 2022, the collection of candidates’ documents continued, and the commission published the Procedure for Holding the Competition. To date, 19 candidates have submitted their documents for participation, but no stage of the competition has yet taken place.

Transparency International Ukraine has previously indicated several risks in the flawed approaches to this selection. We are convinced that now the commission is responsible for the professionalism and transparency of the competition. Let us remind you that the Agency has been working without a head for more than three years.

In 2023, the selection of a new head of the NACP will also be among. the above competitions. So, it would be great if before the start of this competition, all the above remarks will have been considered.

Adopt the State Anti-Corruption Strategy and the program for its implementation

On June 20, 2022, with a delay of more than a year and a half, the Verkhovna Rada supported the draft law approving the Anti-Corruption Strategy for 2021-2025 in the second reading and in general. On September 30, 2020, the relevant draft law No.4135 was identified by Volodymyr Zelenskyy as urgent.

Let us remind you that Ukraine has not had an Anti-Corruption Strategy since the beginning of 2018, so, in fact, we are left with 3 years to implement the strategy and not 5 because the terms in it have not changed.

In addition, in the second reading, MPs deprived the Anti-Corruption Strategy of several important provisions. Thus, the document no longer provides for a competitive selection of the Prosecutor General, and safeguards to dismiss the Prosecutor General outside the framework of exhaustive grounds were removed. In addition, MPs removed the provision on conducting an independent assessment (audit) of the NABU and SAPO effectiveness with the participation of independent experts and the legislative consolidation that in the absence of the SAPO head, all the powers should be exercised by the first deputy (now, the Prosecutor General performs such a function).

Unfortunately, these and other changes have weakened the Anti-Corruption Strategy.

The legislation provides for the creation of a special consultative and advisory body at the NACP — the Coordination Working Group on Anti-Corruption Policy. Representatives of international technical assistance projects, civil society, and the private sector are no longer mentioned in the adopted version of the law, although their participation was foreseen in the draft Strategy. This hinders coordination of government agencies on the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and the measures of the State Anti-Corruption Program for its implementation, as well as diminishes opportunities to prepare proposals on the formation and implementation of the state anti-corruption policy.

Since the Anti-Corruption Strategy came into effect (July 10, 2022), legislation grants the Cabinet 6 months to approve the State Anti-Corruption Program. However, despite calls from the public and international partners, the government did not approve this important document until January 10, 2023.

Ensure transparent accounting of public property and continue on the path to privatization

Ensure transparent accounting of public property — not implemented.

In 2022, there were no significant changes in the accounting of public property. The single state register of state-owned objects, which includes more than 1 million state-owned objects, remains closed to the general public. The information in the register is not made public, and only entities managing such property, balance keepers, state authorities and their officials can receive an extract regarding individual objects. Such state of affairs is justified given the security risks.

Information about state-owned objects is collected by the State Property Fund (SPFU) based on the information received from entities managing such property. However, not all authorized management bodies provide this information in a timely and reliable manner. Therefore, legislative changes which would strengthen control over the provision of the aforementioned data remain important but not yet implemented in 2022.

Continuation of the path to privatization — implemented.

With the beginning of russia's full-scale aggression, the dynamics of small-scale privatization in Ukraine significantly decreased. The SPFU temporarily suspended the announcement of electronic auctions on privatization. In total, only 29 auctions for the sale of state-owned objects took place during the first six months of the year.

But the adoption of amendments to the relevant legislation at the end of July gave a new impetus to the privatization procedures. During the period of martial law, legislators simplified the procedure for preparing objects for privatization and the terms of sale, reduced the period of the auctions, and allowed submission of documents in the electronic form. In addition, they took into consideration the TI Ukraine’s recommendations on the inadmissibility of full closure of information on the participants and winners of auctions, as well as the agreements concluded.

After the restoration of privatization, during September-December, the SPFU held 150 small-scsale privatization auctions, which provided UAH 1.1 billion to the national budget. In total, over 2022, the State Property Fund successfully carried out 193 auctions of small-scale privatization, bringing UAH 1.7 billion to the national budget.

Another step to continue the privatization was simplification of the procedure for the sale of state-owned and municipal property in tax lien. This decision unblocks the privatization of state-owned objects with a total initial price of UAH 1 billion, and tax debts of UAH 300 million will be paid by future buyers.

Significant changes also affected the sphere of large-scale privatization. The Parliament retained the possibility of holding auctions for the sale of large state-owned objects during martial law. In the future, such auctions will be held in the electronic format through the Prozorro.Sale system. These changes will not only significantly accelerate the process of preparing large state-owned objects for privatization, but will also ensure their transparent sale with real competition at the market price.

Minimize the risks of adopting draft laws that remove procurement from the scope of the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”

Almost immediately after the start of the full-scale invasion, the Cabinet of Ministers allowed to buy everything needed directly without auctions. To this end, the Government passed the special Resolution No. 169. Simultaneously, the law “On Public Procurement” remained in effect. This gave rise to uncertainty and debate about how to conduct procurement on a case-by-case basis.

During March-October 2022, Resolution No. 169 had ten (!) versions. Most of them postponed the reporting (disclosure of information) about the contracts concluded under this Resolution until the future — after the end of martial law. Because of this, we currently do not see part of the agreements concluded in the first six months of the full-scale invasion, do not know their value and terms.

The uncertainty was resolved in the fall. On September 10, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada empowered the Cabinet of Ministers to regulate wartime procurement by special Law of Ukraine No. 2526-IX. In compliance with this law, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a new Resolution No. 1178, which determined the peculiarities of procurement. In essence, the government has provided for a new type of procurement procedure — “open bidding with peculiarities,” which is partly based on the procedure under the Law, but differs from it.

In terms of the recommendation to keep procurement under the Law of Ukraine “On Public Procurement”, such a step may appear negative. But in the conditions of war, it was actually necessary because it increased the level of legal certainty, predictability, and transparency of public procurement during martial law, while also making it competitive. A significant part of procurement transactions returned to the public space, which allowed to continue public control over them. The new bidding procedure even has its advantages, which it would be advisable to retain after the end of the war.

The new features of procurement during martial law also include certain exceptions, i.e., they allow direct procurement transactions without auctions under certain conditions. However, these exceptions are justified, in particular, by the need to take urgent measures in the conditions of war, as well as to limit access to information that can be used by the enemy.

At the same time, direct procurement can also be abused. Appealing to the issue of security or urgency, procuring entities may sign direct agreements and not publish them, even when there is no danger in releasing the information or when only sensitive data could be withheld. The scandal of January 2023 with overpayments on food procurement for the military is an example of such abuses. Instead, to prevent corruption and ensure quality, procurement should be as transparent as possible.

There is also a threat that reconstruction procurement may be withdrawn from the scope of Prozorro.

Certain draft laws of 2021, which entailed such risks, were removed from the agenda in 2022. However, certain harmful laws were passed anyway.

Conduct the reform of constitutional justice, considering the opinions provided by the Venice Commission

The 2016 amendments to the Constitution stipulate that Constitutional Court judges must be appointed on a competitive basis. Thus, on December 13, 2022, the Parliament of Ukraine approved draft law №7662 on selection of candidates for the position of Constitutional Court judges, including the composition and rules for decision-making in the Advisory Group of Experts (AGE).

On December 20, Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed draft law No. 7662 adopted by the Parliament, despite the fact that this version was criticized by public experts with calls for a veto, and it contradicts the updated opinion of the Venice Commission, published on December 19, 2022. In their summary, the experts of the Council of Europe indicated that the AGE, which will check the candidates for the Court and will consist of 6 members, will have to include one more member representing independent international experts. In addition, the Venice Commission pointed out that candidates for the position of Constitutional Court judges who are found to be unfit by the AGE must be excluded from further selection process, while the current version of the law allows appointment of such candidates. In addition, the group of G7 ambassadors called on MPs to adopt a version of the law which would provide for a predominant vote for independent experts in the AGE.

Later, European Commission spokeswoman Ana Pizonero said, that the European Commission expected the Ukrainian authorities to fully consider the recommendations of the Venice Commission, including increasing the number of AGE members to seven. The additional member should be delegated based on the international quota to prevent a situation where votes are split. The same position of the EU was later confirmed to journalists by other sources in the European Commission.

Public experts warn, that the current version of the law is a direct path to establishing full control over the Constitutional Court by the political authorities. In its current version, the law on “reform” of the Constitutional Court threatens democracy and European integration. The public also called on the Venice Commission and other international partners not to delegate experts to the AGE until the indicated changes to the law are made.

Recommendations of TI Ukraine for 2023, Which Will Help Reduce the Level of Corruption
Transparency International Ukraine offers 4 comprehensive steps that will help improve the level of anti-corruption and contribute to the effective recovery of Ukraine in 2023.
Complete competitions and elect professional, independent, and honest heads of anti-corruption ecosystem bodies: the Asset Recovery and Management Agency, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau, and the National Agency for Corruption Prevention.
Conduct the reform of constitutional justice, considering the opinions provided by the Venice Commission. To conduct a transparent competition for the selection of judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. To reelect bodies of judicial self-government to ensure normal functioning of judicial institutions and launch a full-fledged judicial reform.
Open data where possible and not detrimental to security and defense interests. To resume submission of electronic declarations and their verification by the NACP. To resume submission of reports by political parties. To restore the functionality of agencies that has been limited due to war, except for obvious and justified exceptions.
Use the Prozorro electronic system for procurement to rebuild Ukraine after the russian invasion. To ensure effective control and monitoring of procurement.

Corruption Perceptions Index—2022

and the research on which it is based
ranked by CPI 2022 position
Ranked place
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 1
2020: 1
2019: 1
2018: 1
90 +2
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 87
2018: 88
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
84 +6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 78
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
96 +3
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 93
2020: 94
2019: 94
2018: 97
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 97
2020: 97
2019: 97
2018: 97
88 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 87
2020: 86
2019: 86
2018: 88
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 100
2020: 98
2019: 93
2018: 92
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 79
2020: 78
2019: 77
2018: 78
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2 -1
Ranked place
2021: 1
2020: 3
2019: 3
2018: 3
87 -1
2021: 88
2020: 85
2019: 86
2018: 85
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
87 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 91
2020: 93
2019: 93
2018: 90
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 94
2020: 91
2019: 94
2018: 93
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 88
2018: 88
86 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 87
2020: 86
2019: 87
2018: 86
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 93
2020: 93
2019: 93
2018: 93
78 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 75
2018: 76
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2 -1
Ranked place
2021: 1
2020: 1
2019: 1
2018: 2
New Zealand
87 -1
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 87
2018: 87
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 85
2020: 89
2019: 89
2018: 83
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
87 -4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 91
2020: 92
2019: 83
2018: 92
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 97
2020: 97
2019: 97
2018: 97
82 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 83
2020: 82
2019: 82
2018: 82
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 93
2020: 93
2019: 93
2018: 93
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 4
2020: 7
2019: 7
2018: 7
84 -1
2021: 85
2020: 84
2019: 84
2018: 84
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
79 -2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 81
2020: 78
2019: 81
2018: 85
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 79
2018: 79
86 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 87
2020: 87
2019: 88
2018: 86
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 86
2018: 93
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 78
2020: 78
2019: 78
2018: 78
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
5 -1
Ranked place
2021: 4
2020: 3
2019: 4
2018: 3
83 -2
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
90 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 91
2020: 90
2019: 89
2018: 89
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 73
2020: 73
2019: 73
2018: 73
African Development Bank CPIA
82 -5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 87
2020: 91
2019: 91
2018: 90
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
83 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 84
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 78
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
5 -1
Ranked place
2021: 4
2020: 3
2019: 4
2018: 3
83 -2
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
62 -16
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
85 +2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 83
2020: 84
2019: 84
2018: 81
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 88
2018: 88
86 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 87
2020: 87
2019: 87
2018: 86
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 93
2020: 93
2019: 93
2018: 93
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 78
2018: 78
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 7
2020: 3
2019: 4
2018: 3
82 -2
2021: 84
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
77 -5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 82
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 87
71 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 86
2020: 87
2019: 88
2018: 88
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 88
2018: 88
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 8
2020: 8
2019: 8
2018: 8
80 -2
2021: 82
2020: 82
2019: 82
2018: 82
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
74 -5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 79
2020: 81
2019: 81
2018: 80
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 86
2020: 89
2019: 89
2018: 89
62 -8
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 70
2018: 70
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 82
2020: 82
2019: 83
2018: 80
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
9 +1
Ranked place
2021: 10
2020: 9
2019: 9
2018: 11
79 -1
2021: 80
2020: 80
2019: 80
2018: 80
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
60 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 63
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 66
71 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
87 +7
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 80
2020: 86
2019: 91
2018: 84
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 80
2020: 79
2019: 78
2018: 78
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
10 +3
Ranked place
2021: 13
2020: 20
2019: 18
2018: 18
77 +3
2021: 74
2020: 72
2019: 74
2018: 73
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
80 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 77
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
79 +7
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 72
2020: 76
2019: 84
2018: 76
79 +9
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 79
2018: 79
79 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 78
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 76
2020: 75
2019: 76
2018: 76
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
10 -1
Ranked place
2021: 9
2020: 9
2019: 9
2018: 9
77 -4
2021: 81
2020: 80
2019: 80
2018: 81
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
78 -5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 83
2020: 86
2019: 86
2018: 88
71 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
72 -11
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 83
2020: 84
2019: 81
2018: 86
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
80 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 82
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 73
2019: 75
2018: 74
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 12
2020: 11
2019: 16
2018: 14
Hong Kong
2021: 76
2020: 77
2019: 76
2018: 76
76 +8
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 68
2020: 67
2019: 61
2018: 64
World Bank CPIA
80 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 83
2020: 84
2019: 84
2018: 84
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
80 -4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 84
2020: 83
2019: 82
2018: 82
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
73 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 75
2020: 73
2019: 73
2018: 72
67 -2
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 69
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 71
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
13 +5
Ranked place
2021: 18
2020: 11
2019: 12
2018: 13
75 +2
2021: 73
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
83 -3
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 86
2020: 87
2019: 83
2018: 83
World Bank CPIA
77 +1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 80
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
73 +19
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 54
2020: 83
2019: 81
2018: 80
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 79
2018: 79
78 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 77
2020: 79
2019: 78
2018: 78
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 75
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
14 -1
Ranked place
2021: 13
2020: 11
2019: 12
2018: 9
2021: 74
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 81
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
58 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 54
2020: 64
2019: 64
2018: 79
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
67 -3
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 70
2020: 76
2019: 74
2018: 86
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 78
2020: 80
2019: 79
2018: 80
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 84
2019: 85
2018: 85
76 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 76
2019: 77
2018: 75
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
14 -1
Ranked place
2021: 13
2020: 17
2019: 18
2018: 18
2021: 74
2020: 75
2019: 74
2018: 73
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
68 -10
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 78
2020: 74
2019: 74
2018: 71
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
African Development Bank CPIA
79 +9
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 70
2020: 75
2019: 69
2018: 65
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 88
2020: 88
2019: 79
2018: 79
76 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 74
2020: 74
2019: 75
2018: 73
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 75
2020: 76
2019: 75
2018: 75
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
68 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 77
2018: 77
14 -1
Ranked place
2021: 13
2020: 17
2019: 11
2018: 14
2021: 74
2020: 75
2019: 78
2018: 76
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
80 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 82
2020: 87
2019: 87
2018: 85
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 83
2020: 83
2019: 83
2018: 83
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
88 +6
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 82
2020: 82
2019: 87
2018: 80
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 53
2018: 53
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 78
2019: 85
2018: 85
77 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
14 +4
Ranked place
2021: 18
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 23
74 +1
2021: 73
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 70
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
77 +5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 72
2020: 66
2019: 66
2018: 60
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
72 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 72
2018: 70
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 75
2020: 75
2019: 76
2018: 73
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 18
2020: 15
2019: 17
2018: 17
2021: 73
2020: 76
2019: 75
2018: 75
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
58 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 59
2018: 71
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
76 +3
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 73
2020: 83
2019: 74
2018: 77
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 76
2018: 74
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 18
2020: 19
2019: 20
2018: 18
2021: 73
2020: 74
2019: 73
2018: 73
78 -2
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 80
2020: 80
2019: 80
2018: 72
World Bank CPIA
88 -5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 93
2020: 92
2019: 92
2018: 81
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
75 +5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 70
2020: 74
2019: 73
2018: 82
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
79 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 80
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 78
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 74
75 +3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 75
2019: 73
2018: 71
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
18 -7
Ranked place
2021: 11
2020: 11
2019: 12
2018: 11
United Kingdom
73 -5
2021: 78
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 80
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
72 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 76
2020: 58
2019: 58
2018: 78
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
57 -16
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 73
2020: 82
2019: 79
2018: 82
70 -9
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 80
2020: 80
2019: 80
2018: 81
84 -1
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 85
2020: 85
2019: 85
2018: 85
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 75
2020: 74
2019: 76
2018: 75
72 -18
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
21 +1
Ranked place
2021: 22
2020: 23
2019: 23
2018: 21
72 +1
2021: 71
2020: 69
2019: 69
2018: 72
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
75 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 77
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 76
71 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 74
2020: 76
2019: 78
2018: 77
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 70
2018: 70
70 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 69
2020: 69
2019: 70
2018: 70
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 75
2020: 72
2019: 71
2018: 74
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
22 -9
Ranked place
2021: 13
2020: 15
2019: 12
2018: 14
71 -3
2021: 74
2020: 76
2019: 77
2018: 76
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
70 -6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 76
2020: 78
2019: 78
2018: 75
59 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
63 -5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 68
2020: 78
2019: 85
2018: 82
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 79
2020: 79
2019: 79
2018: 79
74 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 80
2018: 80
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
70 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 74
2020: 75
2019: 75
2018: 75
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 23
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 28
2021: 70
2020: 66
2019: 66
2018: 66
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
66 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 67
2020: 64
2019: 64
2018: 62
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
24 +3
Ranked place
2021: 27
2020: 25
2019: 23
2018: 22
United States of America
69 +2
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 69
2018: 71
49 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 44
2019: 48
2018: 53
World Bank CPIA
64 +10
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 54
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 64
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
61 -8
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 69
2020: 67
2019: 74
2018: 71
70 +8
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 70
2018: 70
72 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 72
2018: 73
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 72
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 70
2019: 71
2018: 68
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 90
2020: 90
2019: 90
2018: 90
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 25
2020: 24
2019: 25
2018: 25
2021: 68
2020: 68
2019: 68
2018: 68
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 60
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 60
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 69
2020: 69
2019: 69
2018: 69
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
70 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 71
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 73
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 25
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 31
2021: 68
2020: 65
2019: 65
2018: 63
58 +2
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 56
2020: 57
2019: 55
2018: 51
World Bank CPIA
74 -5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 79
2020: 73
2019: 73
2018: 65
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
African Development Bank CPIA
70 +2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 68
2020: 70
2019: 67
2018: 66
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
62 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 65
2020: 56
2019: 62
2018: 58
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 27
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 27
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
66 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 62
2020: 69
2019: 69
2018: 67
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 77
2020: 77
2019: 77
2018: 77
African Development Bank CPIA
57 +1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 56
2020: 60
2019: 54
2018: 65
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 65
2020: 65
2019: 64
2018: 63
59 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 65
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
73 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 75
2020: 75
2019: 75
2018: 72
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
27 -3
Ranked place
2021: 24
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 23
United Arab Emirates
67 -2
2021: 69
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 70
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 57
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 57
African Development Bank CPIA
82 -1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 83
2020: 87
2019: 89
2018: 82
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
72 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 75
2020: 75
2019: 74
2018: 72
67 +3
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 64
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
71 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 71
2018: 73
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 30
2018: 25
2021: 65
2020: 64
2019: 62
2018: 68
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
56 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 57
2020: 46
2019: 46
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
61 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 62
2020: 63
2019: 61
2018: 62
PRS International Country Risk Guide
72 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 71
2020: 74
2019: 72
2018: 71
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 30
2020: 30
2019: 29
2018: 29
2021: 64
2020: 63
2019: 64
2018: 65
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
58 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 56
2020: 55
2019: 58
2018: 61
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 76
2018: 76
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
31 +5
Ranked place
2021: 36
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 34
63 +4
2021: 59
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 61
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
67 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 68
2020: 66
2019: 66
2018: 64
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
62 +12
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 50
2020: 59
2019: 54
2018: 62
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 55
2019: 59
2018: 59
71 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 69
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
72 +17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
31 +1
Ranked place
2021: 32
2020: 33
2019: 39
2018: 45
Korea, South
63 +1
2021: 62
2020: 61
2019: 59
2018: 57
55 +1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 54
2020: 53
2019: 47
2018: 42
World Bank CPIA
57 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 61
2020: 54
2019: 54
2018: 56
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 61
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 53
African Development Bank CPIA
57 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 53
2020: 57
2019: 55
2018: 50
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 62
2018: 62
70 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 72
2018: 69
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 62
2019: 54
2018: 50
67 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 70
72 +17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
33 +1
Ranked place
2021: 34
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 38
62 +1
2021: 61
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 59
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
57 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 60
2020: 58
2019: 58
2018: 54
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 73
2020: 73
2019: 73
2018: 69
African Development Bank CPIA
62 +9
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 53
2020: 57
2019: 53
2018: 50
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
69 +3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 66
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 51
70 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 71
2020: 69
2019: 66
2018: 68
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
33 -1
Ranked place
2021: 32
2020: 33
2019: 30
2018: 30
2021: 62
2020: 61
2019: 62
2018: 64
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
54 -6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 60
2020: 54
2019: 54
2018: 60
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
54 +7
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 47
2020: 51
2019: 51
2018: 61
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 70
2018: 70
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 67
2020: 68
2019: 67
2018: 70
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 67
68 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 69
2020: 67
2019: 70
2018: 70
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
35 +10
Ranked place
2021: 45
2020: 35
2019: 34
2018: 34
60 +5
2021: 55
2020: 60
2019: 61
2018: 61
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
63 +23
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 40
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 52
71 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 57
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 61
African Development Bank CPIA
37 +5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 32
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
53 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 54
2020: 55
2019: 57
2018: 55
59 +8
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 51
2020: 50
2019: 54
2018: 59
67 -5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 68
2019: 67
2018: 69
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
35 +4
Ranked place
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 45
Cabo Verde
60 +2
2021: 58
2020: 58
2019: 58
2018: 57
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 60
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 52
45 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 48
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 49
71 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 64
2020: 67
2019: 67
2018: 68
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
35 +1
Ranked place
2021: 36
2020: 40
2019: 39
2018: 41
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
60 +1
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 58
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 52
2018: 52
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
69 +4
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 65
2020: 67
2019: 66
2018: 63
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
35 -1
Ranked place
2021: 34
2020: 32
2019: 30
2018: 41
60 -1
2021: 61
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 58
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
51 -8
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 59
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 46
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 55
2020: 52
2019: 49
2018: 43
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 70
2018: 70
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 69
2018: 67
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 76
2020: 76
2019: 75
2018: 75
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
39 -3
Ranked place
2021: 36
2020: 42
2019: 44
2018: 41
2021: 59
2020: 57
2019: 56
2018: 58
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
52 -7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 59
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 49
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 61
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 57
African Development Bank CPIA
59 +6
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 53
2020: 54
2019: 49
2018: 45
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 70
2020: 70
2019: 70
2018: 70
64 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 63
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 52
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 69
2020: 68
2019: 66
2018: 66
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 68
2018: 68
40 -9
Ranked place
2021: 31
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 33
58 -5
2021: 63
2020: 63
2019: 62
2018: 62
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
83 -1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 84
2020: 84
2019: 82
2018: 84
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
49 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 50
2020: 48
2019: 38
2018: 38
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 72
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
41 +8
Ranked place
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 44
2018: 38
56 +2
2021: 54
2020: 54
2019: 56
2018: 59
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
47 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 45
2020: 48
2019: 48
2018: 47
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 57
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 65
African Development Bank CPIA
59 +18
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 41
2020: 45
2019: 48
2018: 53
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 62
2018: 62
62 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 61
2020: 61
2019: 59
2018: 61
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 47
2018: 50
66 +4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 62
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 60
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
59 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
41 +4
Ranked place
2021: 45
2020: 45
2019: 44
2018: 41
56 +1
2021: 55
2020: 56
2019: 56
2018: 58
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
65 +5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 60
2018: 70
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 58
2020: 59
2019: 61
2018: 63
PRS International Country Risk Guide
68 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 69
2020: 69
2019: 68
2018: 67
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
41 +1
Ranked place
2021: 42
2020: 52
2019: 51
2018: 53
2021: 56
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 52
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
52 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 54
2020: 51
2019: 51
2018: 47
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
45 -1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 46
2020: 45
2019: 44
2018: 42
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 62
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 62
61 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 60
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 57
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
69 +3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 66
2020: 64
2019: 62
2018: 62
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 41
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 36
56 -1
2021: 57
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 60
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
54 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 51
2020: 51
2019: 51
2018: 52
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 61
2020: 65
2019: 65
2018: 69
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 48
2020: 55
2019: 51
2018: 51
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 62
2018: 62
58 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 59
2020: 60
2019: 58
2018: 56
53 -3
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 56
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
48 -6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 54
2020: 60
2019: 62
2018: 59
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
68 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 71
2019: 71
2018: 71
Ranked place
2021: 45
2020: 48
2019: 48
2018: 45
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 57
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 52
2018: 52
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
55 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 54
2020: 54
2019: 54
2018: 60
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
45 -3
Ranked place
2021: 42
2020: 45
2019: 41
2018: 36
55 -1
2021: 56
2020: 56
2019: 58
2018: 60
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
50 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 52
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 47
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 57
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 65
African Development Bank CPIA
52 +1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 51
2020: 61
2019: 60
2018: 60
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 53
2018: 53
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 64
2020: 66
2019: 65
2018: 63
41 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 50
2019: 51
2018: 59
69 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 70
2020: 72
2019: 69
2018: 69
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 56
2020: 59
2019: 62
2018: 62
45 -3
Ranked place
2021: 42
2020: 45
2019: 48
2018: 50
Saint Lucia
55 -1
2021: 56
2020: 56
2019: 55
2018: 55
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 60
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 60
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
57 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 60
2020: 61
2019: 58
2018: 59
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
48 -9
Ranked place
2021: 39
2020: 42
2019: 44
2018: 48
Costa Rica
54 -4
2021: 58
2020: 57
2019: 56
2018: 56
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
39 -15
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 54
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 46
47 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 69
2020: 69
2019: 69
2018: 69
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
61 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 62
2020: 63
2019: 63
2018: 64
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 49
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 65
2020: 66
2019: 66
2018: 65
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
49 -4
Ranked place
2021: 45
53 -2
2021: 55
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
56 -6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 62
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
49 +7
Ranked place
2021: 56
2020: 60
2019: 59
2018: 57
53 +1
2021: 52
2020: 49
2019: 50
2018: 50
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
35 +6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 37
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 71
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 61
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 57
African Development Bank CPIA
46 +8
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 38
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 24
53 +9
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 53
2018: 53
46 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 45
41 -13
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 54
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 51
63 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 62
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 60
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
56 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
51 +1
Ranked place
2021: 52
2020: 42
2019: 41
2018: 38
52 -1
2021: 53
2020: 57
2019: 58
2018: 59
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
57 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 60
2020: 58
2019: 58
2018: 60
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
44 +2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 42
2020: 50
2019: 51
2018: 50
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 44
2018: 44
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 64
50 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 56
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
67 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 68
2020: 66
2019: 64
2018: 66
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 72
2019: 72
2018: 72
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
51 +7
Ranked place
2021: 58
2020: 59
2019: 60
2018: 67
52 +3
2021: 49
2020: 50
2019: 48
2018: 45
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
50 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 48
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 41
59 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
53 -1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 54
2020: 54
2019: 44
2018: 38
62 +9
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
54 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 53
2018: 50
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
64 +5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 59
2020: 57
2019: 51
2018: 56
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
51 +1
Ranked place
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 51
2018: 53
52 -1
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 52
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 52
2018: 52
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
59 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 62
2020: 60
2019: 62
2018: 57
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
54 -5
Ranked place
2021: 49
2020: 52
2019: 50
2018: 51
51 -3
2021: 54
2020: 53
2019: 54
2018: 54
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
38 -13
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 51
2020: 51
2019: 51
2018: 51
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 59
41 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 53
64 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 65
2020: 60
2019: 59
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
54 -2
Ranked place
2021: 52
2020: 49
2019: 51
2018: 48
51 -2
2021: 53
2020: 54
2019: 53
2018: 56
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 49
2018: 49
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
58 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 57
2020: 54
2019: 50
PRS International Country Risk Guide
56 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 59
2019: 56
2018: 55
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
54 -2
Ranked place
2021: 52
2020: 52
2019: 51
2018: 58
Saudi Arabia
51 -2
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 49
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
72 +5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 67
2020: 67
2019: 66
2018: 57
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 56
52 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 50
2020: 49
2019: 46
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
57 +6
Ranked place
2021: 63
2020: 63
2019: 63
2018: 60
50 +3
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 48
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 57
African Development Bank CPIA
43 +15
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 28
2020: 30
2019: 37
2018: 34
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 53
2018: 53
52 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 50
2020: 52
2019: 50
2018: 52
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
57 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 56
2020: 56
2019: 46
2018: 49
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
50 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
57 -8
Ranked place
2021: 49
2020: 52
2019: 56
2018: 56
50 -4
2021: 54
2020: 53
2019: 52
2018: 51
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
47 -14
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 61
2020: 58
2019: 58
2018: 55
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 49
2018: 49
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 50
2020: 52
2019: 51
PRS International Country Risk Guide
43 -7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 50
2020: 47
2019: 38
2018: 37
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
59 -1
Ranked place
2021: 58
2020: 57
2019: 56
2018: 52
2021: 49
2020: 51
2019: 52
2018: 53
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
43 +1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 42
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 47
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
45 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 46
2020: 48
2019: 47
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
58 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 60
2020: 59
2019: 64
2018: 67
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
60 +6
Ranked place
2021: 66
2020: 75
2019: 64
2018: 64
48 +3
2021: 45
2020: 43
2019: 46
2018: 46
PERC Asia Risk Guide
43 +8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
54 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 52
2020: 47
2019: 57
2018: 56
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
61 -3
Ranked place
2021: 58
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 58
47 -2
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 48
2018: 49
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
60 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 63
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 63
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
58 -5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 63
2020: 54
2019: 53
2018: 55
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
50 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 52
2020: 54
2019: 51
2018: 49
41 -5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 46
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 45
2018: 42
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
61 +1
Ranked place
2021: 62
2020: 57
2019: 51
2018: 61
47 -1
2021: 48
2020: 51
2019: 53
2018: 47
37 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 38
2020: 35
2019: 46
2018: 41
World Bank CPIA
47 -7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 54
2020: 62
2019: 62
2018: 66
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 49
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
40 -3
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 43
2020: 51
2019: 56
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
45 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 48
2020: 52
2019: 49
2018: 45
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 54
2019: 60
2018: 47
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
63 -5
Ranked place
2021: 58
2020: 60
2019: 77
2018: 105
46 -3
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 42
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
53 -13
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 66
2020: 60
2019: 60
2018: 51
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
55 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 59
2020: 63
2019: 32
2018: 21
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 39
2018: 39
63 +3
Ranked place
2021: 66
2020: 69
2019: 70
2018: 61
46 +1
2021: 45
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 47
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
44 +5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 39
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 48
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 53
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 65
African Development Bank CPIA
40 +2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 38
2020: 40
2019: 37
2018: 31
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 53
2018: 53
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 48
2020: 49
2019: 51
2018: 51
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
54 +8
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 46
2020: 38
2019: 29
2018: 39
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 56
2020: 56
2019: 59
2018: 59
65 +1
Ranked place
2021: 66
2020: 78
2019: 80
2018: 87
2021: 45
2020: 42
2019: 41
2018: 39
38 -2
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 40
2020: 38
2019: 36
2018: 38
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 59
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
58 +1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 57
2020: 55
2019: 51
2018: 49
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 39
2020: 39
2019: 41
2018: 39
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
49 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 46
2019: 40
2018: 35
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
65 -1
Ranked place
2021: 64
2020: 63
2019: 60
2018: 61
45 -1
2021: 46
2020: 47
2019: 48
2018: 47
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
50 -3
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 53
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
46 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 47
2020: 50
2019: 45
2018: 42
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
65 -1
Ranked place
2021: 64
2020: 67
2019: 66
2018: 67
45 -1
2021: 46
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 45
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
38 -12
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 50
2020: 51
2019: 51
2018: 52
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
45 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 38
2020: 30
2019: 26
2018: 28
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 47
2018: 47
65 +1
Ranked place
2021: 66
2020: 63
2019: 64
2018: 64
Sao Tome and Principe
2021: 45
2020: 47
2019: 46
2018: 46
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 32
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 34
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 59
2020: 62
2019: 60
2018: 59
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
69 +9
Ranked place
2021: 78
2020: 78
2019: 77
2018: 99
44 +2
2021: 42
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 36
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
81 +81
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
50 +5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 45
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
28 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 29
2020: 25
2019: 27
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
69 +1
Ranked place
2021: 70
2020: 69
2019: 74
2018: 70
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 43
2018: 44
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
51 +3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 48
2020: 48
2019: 50
2018: 51
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
65 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 66
2020: 70
2019: 61
2018: 59
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
69 -13
Ranked place
2021: 56
2020: 49
2019: 56
2018: 53
44 -8
2021: 52
2020: 54
2019: 52
2018: 52
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 59
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 61
2020: 65
2019: 65
2018: 67
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
72 +6
Ranked place
2021: 78
2020: 83
2019: 80
2018: 85
43 +1
2021: 42
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 40
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
47 +6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 41
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 34
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 39
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 44
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
35 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 34
2020: 32
2019: 33
PRS International Country Risk Guide
61 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 60
2020: 53
2019: 54
2018: 52
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
72 +6
Ranked place
2021: 78
2020: 69
2019: 74
2018: 77
43 +1
2021: 42
2020: 44
2019: 43
2018: 42
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 39
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 37
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 53
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 53
African Development Bank CPIA
40 +6
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 34
2020: 41
2019: 32
2018: 33
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 44
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 36
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
45 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 38
2020: 31
2019: 33
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 53
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 53
72 +1
Ranked place
2021: 73
2020: 75
2019: 80
2018: 78
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 41
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
43 +9
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 34
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 37
35 -12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 49
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
2020: 34
2019: 36
2018: 36
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 45
37 +3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 34
2020: 38
2019: 33
2018: 30
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
72 +1
Ranked place
2021: 73
2020: 67
2019: 66
2018: 67
2021: 43
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 45
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
33 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 37
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 40
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 42
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 42
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
45 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 44
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 42
34 +2
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 35
2018: 32
50 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 55
2019: 54
2018: 57
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
72 -2
Ranked place
2021: 70
2020: 69
2019: 70
2018: 73
South Africa
43 -1
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 43
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
29 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 27
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 49
2020: 53
2019: 53
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
33 +9
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 24
2020: 28
2019: 27
2018: 28
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
42 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 43
2020: 44
2019: 43
2018: 45
40 -9
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 49
2020: 50
2019: 46
2018: 41
49 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 46
2019: 49
2018: 56
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 +1
Ranked place
2021: 78
2020: 86
2019: 85
2018: 78
Burkina Faso
2021: 42
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 43
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 44
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 37
2018: 37
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 46
2020: 46
2019: 48
2018: 44
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 -4
Ranked place
2021: 73
2020: 69
2019: 70
2018: 64
42 -1
2021: 43
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 46
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
39 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 36
2020: 38
2019: 38
2018: 35
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
44 +6
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 38
2020: 39
2019: 38
2018: 38
26 -9
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
37 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 39
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 39
41 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 45
2018: 54
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 55
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 42
2020: 44
2019: 47
2018: 47
77 -4
Ranked place
2021: 73
2020: 78
2019: 85
2018: 78
42 -1
2021: 43
2020: 42
2019: 40
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
50 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 53
2020: 48
2019: 48
2018: 56
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
44 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 45
2020: 50
2019: 41
2018: 46
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 -4
Ranked place
2021: 73
2020: 78
2019: 77
2018: 70
Solomon Islands
42 -1
2021: 43
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 44
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
33 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 35
2020: 32
2019: 31
2018: 39
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 +5
Ranked place
2021: 82
2020: 86
2019: 93
2018: 105
42 +1
2021: 41
2020: 40
2019: 38
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 45
2019: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
59 +6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 53
2020: 46
2019: 46
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 +5
Ranked place
2021: 82
2020: 86
2019: 85
2018: 78
Trinidad and Tobago
42 +1
2021: 41
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
32 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 34
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 33
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 37
2019: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
44 +4
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 40
2020: 39
2019: 40
2018: 38
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
73 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 72
2020: 71
2019: 72
2018: 69
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
77 +10
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 104
2019: 96
2018: 117
42 +3
2021: 39
2020: 36
2019: 37
2018: 33
39 +1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 38
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 30
World Bank CPIA
55 +16
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 39
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 32
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
36 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 34
2018: 37
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 36
44 +5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 39
2020: 32
2019: 42
2018: 48
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
84 +3
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 104
2019: 101
2018: 93
41 +2
2021: 39
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
43 +8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
38 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 36
PRS International Country Risk Guide
56 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 54
2020: 41
2019: 39
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 36
85 +2
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 83
2019: 85
2018: 93
40 +1
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 40
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
38 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 38
2018: 38
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 38
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 58
2019: 53
2018: 37
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 85
2020: 86
2019: 80
2018: 78
2021: 40
2020: 40
2019: 41
2018: 41
30 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 31
2020: 28
2019: 34
2018: 36
World Bank CPIA
39 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 40
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 56
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
47 +1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 46
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 37
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 31
2020: 34
2019: 35
2018: 36
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
40 -6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 46
2020: 41
2019: 46
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 85
2020: 75
2019: 130
2018: 124
2021: 40
2020: 43
2019: 29
2018: 31
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
51 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 60
2019: 27
2018: 31
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
85 +2
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 111
2019: 106
2018: 93
North Macedonia
40 +1
2021: 39
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
36 +1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 35
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 33
47 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
40 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 41
2020: 40
2019: 42
2018: 43
PRS International Country Risk Guide
27 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 39
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
85 +2
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 94
2019: 70
2018: 73
40 +1
2021: 39
2020: 38
2019: 44
2018: 43
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 45
2018: 47
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 37
2019: 41
2018: 41
59 +5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 54
2020: 43
2019: 57
2018: 49
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
85 -15
Ranked place
2021: 70
2020: 69
2019: 74
2018: 73
40 -4
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 43
2018: 43
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
40 -7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 47
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 47
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
34 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 35
2018: 36
41 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 49
2019: 41
2018: 41
42 -12
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 54
2020: 64
2019: 64
2018: 61
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
91 -9
Ranked place
2021: 82
2020: 63
2019: 66
2018: 70
39 -2
2021: 41
2020: 47
2019: 45
2018: 44
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 59
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
53 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 54
2020: 59
2019: 61
2018: 57
24 -5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 29
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 56
2019: 49
2018: 50
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 55
2019: 55
2018: 55
27 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 30
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
91 -4
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 92
2019: 96
2018: 99
2021: 39
2020: 39
2019: 37
2018: 36
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
37 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 33
2020: 31
2019: 31
2018: 31
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
34 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 30
2020: 30
2019: 26
2018: 23
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 35
2018: 36
32 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
48 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 47
2020: 48
2019: 35
2018: 35
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
91 +14
Ranked place
2021: 105
2020: 115
2019: 120
2018: 117
39 +3
2021: 36
2020: 34
2019: 32
2018: 33
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
32 +32
World Economic Forum EOS

2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 29
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
36 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 34
2020: 31
2019: 29
2018: 28
39 +7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
53 +20
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 33
2020: 41
2019: 21
2018: 26
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 33
2018: 33
94 +2
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 78
2019: 66
2018: 85
2021: 38
2020: 42
2019: 45
2018: 40
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 49
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 53
African Development Bank CPIA
24 +2
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 22
2020: 29
2019: 38
2018: 40
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
44 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 45
2020: 49
2019: 50
2018: 48
32 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 37
2018: 32
47 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 48
2019: 54
2018: 46
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
94 +2
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 94
2019: 106
2018: 105
2021: 38
2020: 38
2019: 35
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
34 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 31
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 18
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 53
2020: 61
2019: 61
2018: 57
African Development Bank CPIA
34 -1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 28
2018: 24
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
35 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 38
2018: 39
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 43
2020: 42
2019: 31
2018: 38
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
94 -7
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 94
2019: 96
2018: 114
38 -1
2021: 39
2020: 38
2019: 37
2018: 34
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 44
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
34 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 36
2018: 36
32 -8
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 40
2020: 40
2019: 32
2018: 32
43 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 45
2020: 46
2019: 41
2018: 38
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
94 -7
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 86
2019: 80
2018: 73
38 -1
2021: 39
2020: 40
2019: 41
2018: 43
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
43 +43
World Economic Forum EOS

2020: 52
2019: 52
2018: 57
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 38
2019: 39
2018: 45
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 50
2018: 50
37 -10
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 47
2020: 43
2019: 44
2018: 47
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
94 -7
Ranked place
2021: 87
2020: 94
2019: 96
2018: 99
38 -1
2021: 39
2020: 38
2019: 37
2018: 36
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 27
2018: 35
43 -9
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 52
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 45
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 39
2020: 39
2019: 39
2018: 39
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
33 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 34
2020: 35
2019: 34
2018: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
49 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 45
2019: 46
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
99 +6
Ranked place
2021: 105
2020: 104
2019: 106
2018: 105
Cote d'Ivoire
37 +1
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 35
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 43
2020: 43
2019: 35
2018: 35
33 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 35
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 26
59 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 39
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 27
2019: 29
2018: 33
39 +7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
33 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 36
2020: 44
2019: 48
2018: 40
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
99 -3
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 83
2019: 85
2018: 78
37 -1
2021: 38
2020: 41
2019: 40
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 27
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 36
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 59
2020: 59
2019: 59
2018: 59
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 24
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
42 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 46
2020: 49
2019: 39
2018: 39
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 +9
Ranked place
2021: 110
2020: 104
2019: 106
2018: 99
36 +1
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 35
2018: 36
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
42 +10
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 32
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 39
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 41
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
29 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 30
2020: 30
2019: 28
2018: 30
32 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
27 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 32
2019: 20
2018: 29
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 42
2020: 42
2019: 42
2018: 42
101 +4
Ranked place
2021: 105
2020: 92
2019: 93
2018: 114
2021: 36
2020: 39
2019: 38
2018: 34
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
33 +7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 26
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 24
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 49
2019: 49
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
35 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
2020: 34
2019: 32
2018: 34
35 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 37
2018: 32
35 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 36
2020: 47
2019: 41
2018: 50
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 +1
Ranked place
2021: 102
2020: 94
2019: 113
2018: 124
36 -1
2021: 37
2020: 38
2019: 34
2018: 31
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
26 -7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 33
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 46
47 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 47
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
56 -10
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 66
2020: 61
2019: 55
2018: 48
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
37 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 38
2020: 38
2019: 36
2018: 34
67 +3
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 64
2020: 58
2019: 43
2018: 27
18 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 19
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
101 +4
Ranked place
2021: 105
2020: 111
2019: 101
2018: 93
2021: 36
2020: 35
2019: 36
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
34 -6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 40
2020: 31
2019: 31
2018: 32
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 42
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
44 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 43
2020: 39
2019: 42
2018: 44
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 +4
Ranked place
2021: 105
2020: 94
2019: 101
2018: 105
2021: 36
2020: 38
2019: 36
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
32 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 23
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 49
2020: 49
2019: 49
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
29 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 25
2020: 31
2019: 24
2018: 25
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
31 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 30
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 30
40 -5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 45
2020: 49
2019: 41
2018: 41
37 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 38
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 46
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 -5
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 94
2019: 91
2018: 87
36 -2
2021: 38
2020: 38
2019: 39
2018: 39
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
41 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 44
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 44
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 49
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
32 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 34
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 34
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
29 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 33
2020: 28
2019: 35
2018: 32
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
47 -3
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 53
2018: 53
101 +1
Ranked place
2021: 102
2020: 94
2019: 93
2018: 89
Sri Lanka
36 -1
2021: 37
2020: 38
2019: 38
2018: 38
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
41 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 44
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 42
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
33 -3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 33
2019: 30
2018: 34
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
35 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 38
2020: 44
2019: 42
2018: 46
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 +9
Ranked place
2021: 110
2020: 104
2019: 101
2018: 99
36 +1
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 36
35 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 36
2020: 38
2019: 38
2018: 37
World Bank CPIA
45 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 42
2020: 43
2019: 43
2018: 42
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
43 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 39
2020: 41
2019: 45
2018: 41
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
34 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 38
2019: 38
2018: 40
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 26
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 21
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
101 -5
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 86
2019: 91
2018: 78
36 -2
2021: 38
2020: 40
2019: 39
2018: 41
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
43 -18
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 61
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 55
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
46 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 42
2020: 53
2019: 45
2018: 48
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 26
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 26
35 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 38
2018: 41
32 -5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 37
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
25 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 24
2020: 26
2019: 25
2018: 29
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 110
2020: 111
2019: 101
2018: 89
Bosnia and Herzegovina
34 -1
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 36
2018: 38
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
23 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 27
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 37
2020: 39
2019: 40
2018: 39
PRS International Country Risk Guide
22 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 23
2019: 32
2018: 38
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 44
2018: 44
110 -8
Ranked place
2021: 102
2020: 102
2019: 96
2018: 93
34 -3
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 33
2019: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 16
2020: 11
2019: 11
2018: 9
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
30 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 29
2020: 32
39 -2
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 34
2018: 24
57 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 56
2020: 54
2019: 58
2018: 66
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
110 -14
Ranked place
2021: 96
2020: 102
2019: 85
2018: 89
34 -4
2021: 38
2020: 37
2019: 40
2018: 38
29 -3
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 36
2018: 33
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
39 -5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 44
2020: 43
2019: 48
2018: 38
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
24 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 23
2020: 23
2019: 21
2018: 20
35 -13
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 50
2019: 59
2018: 50
24 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 22
2020: 26
2019: 28
2018: 28
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 110
2020: 129
2019: 123
2018: 120
34 -1
2021: 35
2020: 30
2019: 31
2018: 32
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
22 -6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 28
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 25
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
35 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 34
2019: 35
2018: 34
44 -4
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 48
2020: 37
2019: 32
2018: 32
32 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 25
2019: 33
2018: 30
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
110 +7
Ranked place
2021: 117
2020: 117
2019: 113
2018: 124
34 +1
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 34
2018: 31
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
38 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 34
2020: 40
2019: 40
2018: 33
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
30 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 35
2018: 32
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 25
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
110 +5
Ranked place
2021: 115
2020: 117
2019: 119
2018: 129
Sierra Leone
2021: 34
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 30
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
26 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 28
2018: 29
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 47
2020: 47
2019: 47
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 34
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 34
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 27
44 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 50
2020: 50
2019: 47
2018: 39
40 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 33
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 +1
Ranked place
2021: 117
2020: 104
2019: 106
2018: 105
2021: 33
2020: 36
2019: 35
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 36
24 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 30
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
29 +3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 26
2020: 28
2019: 23
2018: 32
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 +20
Ranked place
2021: 136
2020: 142
2019: 146
2018: 165
33 +4
2021: 29
2020: 27
2019: 26
2018: 19
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
22 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 23
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 14
47 +12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 28
2020: 27
2019: 27
32 -1
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 33
2020: 41
2019: 29
2018: 19
46 +13
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 33
2020: 31
2019: 32
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 -1
Ranked place
2021: 115
2020: 104
2019: 113
2018: 105
El Salvador
33 -1
2021: 34
2020: 36
2019: 34
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 23
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 45
2020: 45
2019: 45
2018: 45
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
33 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 34
2020: 36
2019: 38
2018: 32
32 -2
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 34
2020: 38
2019: 32
2018: 32
22 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 26
2020: 34
2019: 25
2018: 40
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 -6
Ranked place
2021: 110
2020: 111
2019: 106
2018: 93
33 -2
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 37
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
30 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 34
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 31
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
30 +1
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 29
2020: 32
2019: 28
2018: 30
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 33
2019: 36
2018: 36
32 -5
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 37
2020: 41
2019: 35
2018: 32
28 -6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 34
2020: 34
2019: 31
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 +1
Ranked place
2021: 117
2020: 115
2019: 113
2018: 99
2021: 33
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 36
37 -1
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 38
2020: 38
2019: 39
2018: 40
World Bank CPIA
34 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 40
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 30
2020: 34
2019: 29
2018: 31
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
28 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 29
2020: 28
2019: 30
2018: 36
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
116 +6
Ranked place
2021: 122
2020: 117
2019: 126
2018: 120
33 +1
2021: 32
2020: 33
2019: 30
2018: 32
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
35 +9
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 26
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 34
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 22
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 36
41 -2
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 43
2020: 41
2019: 36
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 26
2019: 23
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 36
2020: 36
2019: 36
2018: 36
116 +1
Ranked place
2021: 117
2020: 117
2019: 113
2018: 105
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 34
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 35
30 +7
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 23
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 25
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 34
2020: 39
2019: 39
2018: 39
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
36 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 35
2020: 36
2019: 38
2018: 40
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 36
2019: 35
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 49
2020: 37
2019: 43
2018: 43
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
123 +5
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 137
2019: 137
2018: 129
Dominican Republic
32 +2
2021: 30
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 30
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
34 +5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 30
35 +13
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
29 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 30
2020: 29
2019: 28
2018: 29
24 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 30
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
36 +6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 16
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
123 +5
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 124
2019: 137
2018: 144
32 +2
2021: 30
2020: 31
2019: 28
2018: 27
PERC Asia Risk Guide
43 +8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
29 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 25
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 34
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 32
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 29
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 21
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 36
2018: 25
35 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 28
2020: 40
2019: 22
2018: 29
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
123 +1
Ranked place
2021: 124
2020: 123
2019: 120
2018: 114
32 +1
2021: 31
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 34
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 44
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
29 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 30
2020: 30
2019: 34
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
37 +6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 31
2020: 33
2019: 34
2018: 28
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
126 +2
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 124
2019: 123
2018: 132
31 +1
2021: 30
2020: 31
2019: 31
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
19 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 21
2020: 20
2019: 19
2018: 19
24 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 30
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
36 +6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 34
2019: 35
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
126 +2
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 134
2019: 130
2018: 132
31 +1
2021: 30
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
47 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 43
2020: 46
2019: 46
2018: 47
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
26 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 20
2019: 18
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
126 -2
Ranked place
2021: 124
2020: 124
2019: 130
2018: 138
2021: 31
2020: 31
2019: 29
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
32 +1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 31
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 25
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
27 -5
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 32
2020: 30
2019: 28
2018: 23
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
2021: 44
2020: 44
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 22
2020: 23
2019: 25
2018: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
43 +7
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 36
2020: 35
2019: 33
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
126 +14
Ranked place
2021: 140
2020: 146
2019: 153
2018: 158
31 +3
2021: 28
2020: 26
2019: 25
2018: 23
PERC Asia Risk Guide
35 +8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
37 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 37
2019: 35
2018: 34
41 +41
25 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 26
2020: 25
2019: 22
2018: 23
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 21
2018: 21
130 -2
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 142
2019: 126
2018: 124
2021: 30
2020: 27
2019: 30
2018: 31
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 24
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
28 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 25
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
130 -13
Ranked place
2021: 117
2020: 117
2019: 106
2018: 105
30 -3
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 35
2018: 35
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
35 +13
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 27
2020: 30
2019: 31
2018: 30
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 23
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 18
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
130 -8
Ranked place
2021: 122
2020: 117
2019: 113
2018: 89
30 -2
2021: 32
2020: 33
2019: 34
2018: 38
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
38 -5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 43
2020: 38
2019: 42
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
130 +10
Ranked place
2021: 140
2020: 134
2019: 137
2018: 144
30 +2
2021: 28
2020: 29
2019: 28
2018: 27
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 28
PRS International Country Risk Guide
22 +5
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 17
2020: 22
2019: 17
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
130 -6
Ranked place
2021: 124
2020: 142
2019: 137
2018: 138
Papua New Guinea
30 -1
2021: 31
2020: 27
2019: 28
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 35
2019: 32
2018: 32
26 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 30
2020: 28
2019: 29
2018: 32
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
130 -2
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 134
2019: 130
2018: 129
2021: 30
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 30
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 35
2019: 35
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 19
2019: 20
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
136 -12
Ranked place
2021: 124
2020: 129
2019: 123
2018: 124
29 -2
2021: 31
2020: 30
2019: 31
2018: 31
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 33
2019: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
24 +24
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 16
2019: 20
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
137 -1
Ranked place
2021: 136
2020: 129
2019: 130
2018: 120
28 -1
2021: 29
2020: 30
2019: 29
2018: 32
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
21 -2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 23
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 24
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 37
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 34
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
18 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 19
2020: 21
2019: 18
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
22 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 24
2020: 34
2019: 24
2018: 32
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
137 -9
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 137
2019: 137
2018: 132
28 -2
2021: 30
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
20 -11
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 31
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 21
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
29 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 28
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 25
2018: 24
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
137 -1
Ranked place
2021: 136
2020: 129
2019: 137
2018: 138
28 -1
2021: 29
2020: 30
2019: 28
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
43 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 40
2020: 38
2019: 38
2018: 42
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
32 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
2020: 34
2019: 36
2018: 33
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
26 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 21
2018: 21
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
140 +4
Ranked place
2021: 144
2020: 124
2019: 126
2018: 132
2021: 27
2020: 31
2019: 30
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
27 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 30
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 31
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 29
2019: 27
2018: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
20 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 23
2020: 25
2019: 17
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 30
2018: 30
Ranked place
2021: 140
2020: 124
2019: 120
2018: 117
27 -1
2021: 28
2020: 31
2019: 32
2018: 33
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
26 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 27
2018: 29
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
19 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 22
2019: 27
2018: 27
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
142 +2
Ranked place
2021: 144
2020: 149
2019: 153
2018: 152
26 -1
2021: 27
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 25
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
25 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 28
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 30
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 34
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 34
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
18 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 19
2020: 18
2019: 20
2018: 19
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
18 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 17
2020: 14
2019: 12
2018: 13
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
142 -6
Ranked place
2021: 136
2020: 137
2019: 137
2018: 120
26 -3
2021: 29
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 32
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 35
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 41
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 34
2020: 34
2019: 34
2018: 39
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
19 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 20
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 20
32 -8
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 40
2020: 35
2019: 32
2018: 40
18 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 22
2020: 17
2019: 18
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
142 +5
Ranked place
2021: 147
2020: 149
2019: 158
2018: 152
2021: 26
2020: 25
2019: 24
2018: 25
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 24
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 19
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
19 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 18
2020: 18
2019: 16
2018: 19
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
19 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 25
2019: 21
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
142 +5
Ranked place
2021: 147
2020: 149
2019: 146
2018: 158
2021: 26
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 23
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 14
2020: 11
2019: 11
2018: 14
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
24 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 27
2019: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
37 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 39
2020: 35
2019: 39
2018: 35
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
142 +2
Ranked place
2021: 144
2020: 142
2019: 137
2018: 149
26 -1
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 28
2018: 26
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 24
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 27
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
18 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 18
24 -1
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 25
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
20 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 23
2020: 25
2019: 31
2018: 28
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 147
2020: 146
2019: 146
2018: 149
25 -1
2021: 26
2020: 26
2019: 26
2018: 26
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
33 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 31
2019: 31
2018: 30
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
23 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 25
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 26
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 41
2020: 41
2019: 41
2018: 41
13 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 15
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
147 +3
Ranked place
2021: 150
2020: 137
2019: 130
2018: 138
2021: 25
2020: 28
2019: 29
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
20 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 19
2020: 21
2019: 22
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
16 -4
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 15
2019: 20
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
147 +3
Ranked place
2021: 150
2020: 149
2019: 146
2018: 138
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
31 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 29
2020: 28
2019: 28
2018: 33
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 36
2020: 40
2019: 42
2018: 40
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
19 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 18
2019: 23
2018: 26
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
150 +24
Ranked place
2021: 174
2020: 165
2019: 173
2018: 172
24 +8
2021: 16
2020: 19
2019: 16
2018: 16
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
16 +2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 14
2020: 15
2019: 14
2018: 16
PRS International Country Risk Guide
43 +31
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 26
2019: 13
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
150 +7
Ranked place
2021: 157
2020: 160
2019: 162
2018: 161
24 +1
2021: 23
2020: 21
2019: 20
2018: 20
39 +3
PERC Asia Risk Guide
2021: 36
2020: 29
2019: 34
2018: 27
18 +8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 18
41 -1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 42
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 33
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 13
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
12 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 13
2020: 14
2019: 14
2018: 14
PRS International Country Risk Guide
14 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 14
2018: 12
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
150 +4
Ranked place
2021: 154
2020: 146
2019: 153
2018: 149
Central African Republic
2021: 24
2020: 26
2019: 25
2018: 26
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
21 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 27
2019: 21
2018: 27
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 150
2020: 149
2019: 146
2018: 144
24 -1
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 27
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
33 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 31
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 37
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
25 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 26
2020: 26
2019: 30
2018: 27
24 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 30
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
24 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 20
2019: 18
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
150 +4
Ranked place
2021: 154
2020: 149
2019: 137
2018: 138
2021: 24
2020: 25
2019: 28
2018: 28
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
23 -3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 26
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
28 +1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 27
2020: 28
2019: 32
2018: 30
27 +3
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
24 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 25
2020: 26
2019: 28
2018: 31
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
150 +4
Ranked place
2021: 154
2020: 149
2019: 146
2018: 144
2021: 24
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 27
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
25 +3
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 22
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 19
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 33
2020: 33
2019: 33
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
22 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 23
2020: 25
2019: 26
2018: 27
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
13 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 14
2020: 16
2019: 24
2018: 25
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 150
2020: 149
2019: 153
2018: 152
24 -1
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 25
2018: 25
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 18
2019: 18
2018: 27
44 -6
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 50
2020: 57
2019: 57
2018: 52
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 19
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 12
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
157 -29
Ranked place
2021: 128
2020: 129
2019: 126
2018: 152
23 -7
2021: 30
2020: 30
2019: 30
2018: 25
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
12 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 11
2020: 12
2019: 10
2018: 9
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
Ranked place
2021: 157
2020: 157
2019: 146
2018: 132
2021: 23
2020: 24
2019: 26
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 35
2018: 35
23 +2
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 21
2018: 39
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 33
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
24 +3
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 21
2020: 23
2019: 24
2018: 25
24 -6
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 30
2020: 35
2019: 41
2018: 34
21 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 17
2019: 19
2018: 27
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 157
2020: 160
2019: 162
2018: 168
2021: 23
2020: 21
2019: 20
2018: 18
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 37
2020: 29
2019: 29
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 24
2019: 19
2018: 15
18 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 17
2020: 21
2019: 22
2018: 22
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
157 -17
Ranked place
2021: 140
2020: 137
2019: 130
2018: 132
23 -5
2021: 28
2020: 28
2019: 29
2018: 29
PERC Asia Risk Guide
10 -17
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 24
2020: 27
2019: 28
2018: 30
24 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 31
2020: 32
2019: 32
2018: 32
34 -17
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 51
2020: 49
2019: 52
2018: 50
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 157
2020: 157
2019: 158
2018: 160
2021: 23
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 22
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 19
2020: 16
2019: 16
2018: 19
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
23 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 25
2020: 25
2019: 24
2018: 21
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
20 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 21
2020: 20
2019: 22
2018: 23
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 37
2020: 37
2019: 37
2018: 37
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
162 -1
Ranked place
2021: 161
2020: 160
2019: 160
2018: 157
2021: 22
2020: 21
2019: 23
2018: 24
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 35
2018: 35
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 13
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 4
2020: 4
2019: 4
2018: 4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
31 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 34
2020: 28
2019: 39
2018: 50
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
162 +2
Ranked place
2021: 164
2020: 174
2019: 173
2018: 172
22 +2
2021: 20
2020: 16
2019: 16
2018: 16
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 14
2020: 14
2019: 14
2018: 14
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
28 -5
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 6
2020: 6
2019: 6
2018: 6
55 +18
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 37
2020: 30
2019: 27
2018: 25
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
164 -2
Ranked place
2021: 162
2020: 165
2019: 165
2018: 165
2021: 21
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 19
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 18
2019: 18
2018: 18
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
31 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 33
17 +1
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 16
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
18 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 20
2020: 18
2019: 20
2018: 20
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
164 -2
Ranked place
2021: 162
2020: 165
2019: 168
2018: 172
Guinea Bissau
2021: 21
2020: 19
2019: 18
2018: 16
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 29
2020: 29
2019: 29
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 14
2020: 11
2019: 11
2018: 16
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 32
2020: 29
2019: 19
2018: 15
20 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 18
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
166 +3
Ranked place
2021: 169
2020: 170
2019: 168
2018: 161
Democratic Republic of the Congo
20 +1
2021: 19
2020: 18
2019: 18
2018: 20
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 18
2019: 18
2018: 18
17 +4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 13
2020: 16
2019: 16
2018: 22
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 25
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 32
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 12
2020: 12
2019: 16
24 +4
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 20
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
12 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 13
2020: 15
2019: 10
2018: 11
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
167 -3
Ranked place
2021: 164
2020: 160
2019: 162
2018: 165
19 -1
2021: 20
2020: 21
2019: 20
2018: 19
PERC Asia Risk Guide
18 -9
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
19 +5
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 14
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 12
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 24
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
10 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 11
2020: 11
2019: 9
2018: 9
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
167 -3
Ranked place
2021: 164
2020: 160
2019: 153
2018: 144
19 -1
2021: 20
2020: 21
2019: 25
2018: 27
PERC Asia Risk Guide
18 -9
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 35
2020: 35
2019: 47
2018: 47
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 4
2020: 4
2019: 4
2018: 4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
18 +2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 16
2020: 18
2019: 21
2018: 33
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
167 -3
Ranked place
2021: 164
2020: 159
2019: 161
2018: 152
19 -1
2021: 20
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 25
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 27
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
22 +1
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 21
2018: 28
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 25
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
17 -2
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 19
2020: 21
2019: 24
2018: 29
15 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 22
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
13 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 16
2019: 17
2018: 23
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
167 +2
Ranked place
2021: 169
2020: 165
2019: 165
2018: 161
2021: 19
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 20
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 15
2020: 17
2019: 15
2018: 15
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 21
171 -2
Ranked place
2021: 169
2020: 165
2019: 165
2018: 170
17 -2
2021: 19
2020: 19
2019: 19
2018: 17
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 21
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 14
2020: 14
2019: 14
2018: 21
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
25 +11
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 14
2020: 11
2019: 11
2018: 12
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
171 +1
Ranked place
2021: 172
2020: 174
2019: 173
2018: 172
Equatorial Guinea
2021: 17
2020: 16
2019: 16
2018: 16
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 9
2020: 9
2019: 9
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 16
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
171 -7
Ranked place
2021: 164
2020: 170
2019: 168
2018: 161
17 -3
2021: 20
2020: 18
2019: 18
2018: 20
PERC Asia Risk Guide
10 -8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 27
2019: 27
2018: 27
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 22
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
20 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 21
15 -7
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 22
2020: 24
2019: 24
2018: 24
16 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 17
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 18
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
171 +3
Ranked place
2021: 174
2020: 170
2019: 172
2018: 176
Korea, North
17 +1
2021: 16
2020: 18
2019: 17
2018: 14
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 13
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
30 +6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 24
2020: 29
2019: 25
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
171 +1
Ranked place
2021: 172
2020: 173
2019: 168
2018: 170
2021: 17
2020: 17
2019: 18
2018: 17
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 21
2018: 13
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
19 -2
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 21
2020: 21
2019: 22
2018: 25
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
176 -2
Ranked place
2021: 174
2020: 176
2019: 177
2018: 176
2021: 16
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 14
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
30 -4
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 34
2020: 23
2019: 23
2018: 17
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
11 -1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 12
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 177
2020: 176
2019: 173
2018: 168
2021: 14
2020: 15
2019: 16
2018: 18
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
2021: 13
2020: 16
2019: 16
2018: 10
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 9
2020: 9
2019: 9
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
24 +4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 23
2018: 23
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
9 -1
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
2021: 10
2020: 13
2019: 13
2018: 19
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
9 -3
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 16
2019: 25
2018: 28
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
178 +2
Ranked place
2021: 180
2020: 179
2019: 179
2018: 178
South Sudan
13 +2
2021: 11
2020: 12
2019: 12
2018: 13
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 13
2020: 17
2019: 17
2018: 17
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 11
2020: 11
2019: 11
2018: 9
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
22 +11
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 11
2020: 9
2019: 13
2018: 17
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
Ranked place
2021: 178
2020: 178
2019: 178
2018: 178
2021: 13
2020: 14
2019: 13
2018: 13
PERC Asia Risk Guide
World Bank CPIA
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 10
2020: 10
2019: 10
2018: 10
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 9
2020: 9
2019: 9
2018: 9
African Development Bank CPIA
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 15
2020: 15
2019: 15
2018: 15
13 +1
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 15
2019: 13
2018: 13
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
2021: 20
2020: 20
2019: 20
2018: 20
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
180 -2
Ranked place
2021: 178
2020: 179
2019: 180
2018: 180
12 -1
2021: 13
2020: 12
2019: 9
2018: 10
PERC Asia Risk Guide
10 -8
World Bank CPIA
2021: 18
2020: 18
2018: 10
World Economic Forum EOS
Global Insight Country Risk Ratings
2021: 22
2020: 22
2019: 10
2018: 22
Bertelsmann Foundation Transformation Index
2021: 9
2020: 9
2019: 9
2018: 9
African Development Bank CPIA
2021: 11
2020: 4
2019: 4
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook
Bertelsmann Foundation Sustainable Governance Index
World Justice Project Rule of Law Index
PRS International Country Risk Guide
2021: 6
2020: 6
2019: 6
2018: 6
Varieties of Democracy Project
2021: 12
2020: 15
2019: 14
2018: 14
Economist Intelligence Unit Country Ratings
Freedom House Nations in Transit Ratings
CPI: How It Works

Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) is a ranking calculated by the global organization Transparency International since 1995. The organization itself does not conduct its own surveys. The Index is calculated based on 13 studies of reputable international institutions and think tanks.

The key indicator of the Index is the score, not the rank. The minimum score (0 points) means that corruption effectively replaces the government, while the maximum (100 points) indicates that corruption is almost absent. The index assesses corruption only in the public sector.

CPI considers the point of view of businesses, investors, market researchers, etc. CPI reflects the opinion of the private sector and its perception of corruption in the public sector.

It is important to keep in mind that CPI measures perception of corruption, not the actual level of corruption. A higher score in one country than in another does not mean that the former has less corruption than the latter — it means that the former is perceived as less corrupt.

The CPI methodology received a seal of approval from the European Commission for its reliable statistical approach.

CPI covers perception of corruption in the public sector by experts, including: bribery, embezzlement of public funds, nepotism in the civil service, capture of the state, the government's ability to implement integrity mechanisms, effective prosecution of corrupt officials, excessive bureaucracy, availability of adequate laws on financial disclosure, prevention of conflicts of interest and access to information, ensuring the protection of whistleblowers, journalists and investigators.

Why is CPI necessary?
  • The CPI covers more countries than any single source.
  • The CPI compensates for the error in different sources using the average of the results of at least three different sources.
  • The CPI scale of 0 to 100 is more accurate than other sources, as some have a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 7, which results in many countries receiving the same results.
  • The CPI balances different perspectives on corruption in the public sector and has a neutral approach to different political regimes.